Exams are tough – they are supposed to be, aren’t they? Nevertheless, the better you prepare for them, the higher your chances of passing will be. Preparing does involve time, but how you use and manage the time is what will determine how prepared you are. Here are a couple of useful tips to prepare for and pass the Salesforce Associate exam.
Understand What it Takes
When you look for and find the best tips for passing the Salesforce Associate exam, the first thing you would be advised to do is to follow the guide. Whatever certification you are studying for, irrespective of the field, there is always a guide that you are expected to follow in order to pass successfully.
Some have the habit of ignoring this guide completely and preparing in their own style instead. However, following the guide should give you more confidence and increase your chances of passing.

Book Your Dates
It is easier to prepare for an exam when you have a fixed goal. This is why it is best that you book the dates for your examination and then start preparing for it accordingly. This should help you stay more focussed as you prepare, and most of all, help you be more organized in the process. It should help you keep track of time and perform/complete tasks in order, making preparation more successful.
Give it Time
Understanding that you need to allocate a lot of time for preparation should prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. When you know the dates of your exam, you can organize your time according to the content.
It might feel like you need a lot of time, but you surely will have all the time you need, given that you get yourself organized from the start. What’s Important is that you understand the fact that preparation in general consumes time, and it is completely normal.
When it comes to Salesforce, you know that there is nothing like hands-on experience. Thus, it is important that you try and practice whatever you learn. Many tend to overlook the importance of this part of the preparation process, however, not practicing your stuff can affect your performances at the examination.

Take Practice Exams
Practice exams, as you might already know, are designed to give individuals a feel of the actual examination. By taking a practice exam, you have an idea of what to expect. You might want to take as many as you can because the more you do, the better you will understand in terms of exam format, time management, and difficult topics that you’d need to work on a little more.
Take Notes
This might be another aspect of studying that is sometimes overlooked. Nevertheless, taking notes has always been a great strategy when it comes to exam prep, and will never stop being one of the strongest tools for most students around the world. Summaries, mind maps, outlining and highlighting are all great strategies included in note-taking. If not for these amazing methods, studying and exam prep could be a lot more challenging, even a little stressful.